Youwang Deng

I'm a software developer, familiar with C#, Java, JavaScript, focus on full stack development.

Use react-native-storage to cache data in app

28 May 2019 » JavaScript, React-Native

react-native-storage could be used to cache data in react native.

Data flow in cache process:

  1. init storage as global storage
    const storage = new Storage({
      size: 1000,
      storageBackend: AsyncStorage, 
      defaultExpires: 1000 * 3600 * 24,
      enableCache: true,
      sync: {
    }); = storage;
  2. write async method for data to be fetched
    storage.sync = {
     async keyExample(params) {
         const {
       syncParams: { extraFetchOptions, someFlag }
     } = params;
         // async fetch data here
         let res = await asyncFunc();
         if(res) {
                 key: 'keyExample',
                 data: {
                     entryExample: res,
                 expires: 1000 * 3600,
         // to assure async consistency, should not return res here
         return {entryExample: res};
  3. load Data in expected place
       key: 'keyExample',
       // if set to true, would return the old data before the sync process
       syncInBackground: false,
       syncParams: {
         extraFetchOptions: {
           // set fetch options here
         someFlag: true, // some flag to be used
     }).then(ret => {
         // if data was found in the storage and data was not expired, then just return the data without execute the async method
         // if data not found or expired, then run async method to fetch data and return the fetched data(when syncInbackground set to false)
         // deal with data here
     .catch(err => {