Youwang Deng

I'm a software developer, familiar with C#, Java, JavaScript, focus on full stack development.

Leetcode LinkedList Note

02 Jul 2019 » Leetcode-LinkedList

LinkedList - node pointer data structure


public class ListNode {
    int val;
    ListNode next;
    public ListNode(int _val) {
        this.val = _val; = null;
    public ListNode(int _val, ListNode _next) {
        this.val = _val; = _next;


  • use pointers to manipulate LinkedList
  • pre, cur, next
  • figure out the time and order to update those pointers
  • dummy node to simplify modification
  • basic operations
    • reverse(pre, cur, next)
    • reorder(dummy), be careful about the next pointer of each node element
    • combine, be carful about the end(null) of the LinkedList
    • rotate the list by k steps, invloved with building a loop and cut a loop
  • advanced operations
    • reverse by group or length, use pre(only change next pointer), subTail(only change next pointer), Temp(keep moving), reverse pointer between subTail and Temp, insert Temp after pre
    • whenever use a dummy node, means use two nodes, ListNode dummy = new ListNode(-1); ListNode iter = dummy;
    • remember to cut the tail at the end of LinkedList, = null;
    • use recursion and HashMap to deep copy a LinkedList
    • DoubleLinkedList implemementation