Distributed ID generator
- Needs
- unique
- sorted by time
- as short as possible
- Needs
- longURL to tinyURL
- Solutions
- length of tinyURL(7)
- encode way(26 + 26 + 10)
- one longURL to multiple shortURL
- hash longURL to get 64-bits integer
- storage(short:long pairs)
- 301 or 302 redireaction (302)
- hacker attack( massive request will run out of available IDs)
- use long:short pairs to generate LRU cache(1 day), return short URL if run out of capacity
Task Scheduler
- Needs
- multiple tasks with timestamp
- Solutions
- PriorityBlockingQueue + Polling
- DelayQueue + Producer + Consumer
- HashedWheelTimer
News Feed
- Needs
API rate limiting
- Needs
- limit each user api request to 1000/min
Synchronized HashMap
- Needs
- design a thread safe HashMap
- Solutions
- add a global lock to HashMap(HashTable)
- add a lock to each bucket in HashMap
- category buckets to 16 segments, add a lock to each segment(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap implementation in JDK 7)
- when the length of LinkedList in each bucket exceed 8, rebuild the LinkedList to a Red-Black Tree(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap implementation in JDK 8)
TOP 10 IP visiting during recent 1 hour
- Needs
- get the top 10 visiting IP in recent 1 hour
- request rate: 100 k / sec
Design a Load Balancer
Design a key-value store
- storage engine is different from database(including storage engine)
- Needs
- high performance
Design a web crawler
- Needs
- distributed deployment
- IP pool
- URL filter
Implement PageRank
- Needs
- PageRank Algorithm
- Distributed
Design a Search Engine
- Needs
- Index System
- Download System
- Search System
- Analyze System
Random Sampling
- Needs
- a stream will infinite integers
- sampling k integers with same possibility
Unique Visitor
- Needs
- count the unique visitor of a stream